May the hands of Abu Lahab be ruined, and ruined is he. Say, “They are measurements of time for the people and for Hajj.” (2:189) When the last letter we stop at or take a break, is shadda We do an nabr to mark the doubling of the last letter.įor every happening is a finality (6:67)

” they say, “Should we believe as the foolish have believed?” (2:13) he said, “I will take refuge on a mountain to protect me from the water.” (11:43) Or sign up free using the register page in the main menu and you can access all previous resources.We do an nabr to mark the hamza ء otherwise, we risk overemphasizing the hamza ء and doing a qalqala over it or not saying the hamza at all ء. Join the monthly email list and you will get a monthly email with all the updates and free resources for that month. I will be uploading more tajweed worksheets in pdf format every month Insha’Allah.

There are a number of great Tajweed books out there which are kid friendly and really well made. They are pretty secure by the end of the 3 weeks, but i always revisit the same rules if they begin to slip. We do this for a week and then they move onto saying it the week after. Once they know it properly, they then have to find words corresponding to a rule in a non-colour coded Quran. After that they learn the rule and they have to say it every day to me for a week. At first the kids are introduced to the rule and I go through it so they understand it. I use this bookmark with the tajweed target cards I have put on the website. You can order this bookmark via Primary Ilm’s etsy shop.

It’s colourful, eye-catching and most importantly the kids really seem to like it Alhamdulillah. This tajweed bookmark has all the main rules for kids to revise.